Day by Day.

Happiest of Sundays to you! I hope it has been a happy Sunday for you – It has been for me. I had the opportunity to enjoy a day off with a couple of friends, and adventure around St. John. We sat in a coffee shop on a rainy afternoon, got to sample free tea, and moseyed around a thrift store. This evening I got to skype with my dear friend and past roommate, Amanda. My stomach hurts from laughing. All in all, a lovely day.

It was nice to have a break from an otherwise hectic semester. Life has been madness lately. Not a bad kind of madness, just a busy kind of madness. Good things are happening. Exciting things are happening. Things I never thought would happen are happening.

Have I said lately that God is so good and so faithful? Like…I’m not kidding, guys. Last week, I got the long-awaited email telling me that I got the internship in London that I applied for. It still almost doesn’t seem real to me. London was never ever ever on my radar for an internship. I’ve always wanted to go, but never thought I’d have the opportunity to fuse my love for the culture with missions. God certainly does more than we could ask or imagine. Trust me, London was never what I had imagined. But here we are.

Throughout the application process, there’s been tears, anger, impatience, fear, & doubt – all on my part. But He has remained my faithful Provider despite my whiney and childish attitude. He knows me. He has a plan. He is faithful. I’m humbled. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done before now and January; but my Father has shown me before, and I’m sure He’ll show me again, that this is in His hands. I tend to want to tackle projects all at once and get everything planned out that I possibly can. Yeah…that never usually ends super well. I’m learning that I need His grace everyday. I need His strength everyday. I need to trust Him with everyday. Day by day, step by step.

London rain, London fog drinks, actual London fog, taking steps away from comfort zones, meeting new people, hearing new stories, trying new things, being challenged & stretched, expecting the unexpected, & moving with God one day at a time. These are the daydreams cycling through my brain, winding around the looming papers, sermons, and projects that stand like giant, unshakable boulders. Day by day, step by step.

Oh boy. The last days of a final semester. Some days, I’m bright-eyed, arms raised high, ready to run into the next avenue of life that waits around the corner for me. Other days, as I find myself nearing the end of the road I’ve known for 3 and a half years, I realize that I’ve grown very fond of the others that have walked it with me. Now add on the work that still needs to be done this semester on top of that inner conflict, and you’ll find a weepy, tired, & confused Becky. But beyond those outer layers is a deeper core of readiness to just embrace what’s next. To keep moving, whatever the good or bad that may come. To keep growing. To keep going is the only way I know how to grow.

Essentially, that’s my crazy heart these days. Things aren’t really clear. I’m not sure how to decipher anything of what I’m feeling. Probably this post didn’t really make sense. It’s moments like these that I am so thankful that God is in each detail and knows what’s up. He knows that I’m weak. He knows that I’m tired. He has always been my strength and will always be. He has to be. Because I cannot finish this semester without Him. I can’t get through this week without Him. I can’t get through tomorrow without Him.

Day by day, step by step.

As the British say, pip pip cheerio! …Do they say that? I don’t really know.

Becky G.

